We offer a host of different games every session for adults to play. Each game is based on fun, most are high intensity and everyone plays all the time. ​ This section tells you about how the sessions work so that when you come along, you can feel more comfortable and ready to start on the front foot. However, if you are unsure, don't worry, there will be people there on the day to help you out.
Whatever your background, going to the first session of a new activity can be awkward for anyone. We train our staff to help make you feel welcome and make sure you're looked after in particular on your first session. ​ Once you get used to the activities after a few weeks, it becomes easy. In the meantime, try to give each activity a chance by throwing yourself into it. If you're not sure how an activity works, don't worry, there will be people there to help. ​ Reading up on the activities that you are likely to take part in will help you feel more relaxed when you come to the session. When you book the session, there will be a list of activities. Click on the links to see an explanation of each game and a short video demonstration (once made). ​ If you find the activity too tricky or hard to understand, ask the people in your group for help, read the Activity Card carefully or just use your imagination to find a new way to solve the problem. ​ Please arrive in trainers so that you don't slip during the activity. Otherwise, sports clothing is recommended, but not compulsory.
On arrival at the session, look for the Facilitator in the 'Visosport' branded black kit to sign in.
They will give you a bib. This is your group colour for the session.
Then place your water bottle in the 'Drinks Station' (to save time) before joining the session 'Mentor'
who will explain and run the Warm Up until we are ready to begin the first game.
The Facilitator will bring everyone together at the end of the warm up before delegating a Mentor for each group to guide their group to set up the equipment for their first game. As soon as the game is set up, begin your game (extra time for set up will be given with the first game).
Most of the session looks like the picture to the left with several games set up around the area. Every 10 - 12 minutes, the whistle is blown and each group moves onto the next activity. Most of the activities from the previous week will remain, whilst 1 or 2 activities will change.
Every 10-12 minutes, the whistle will be blown. At this point, please leave the equipment in an orderly state for the next group, before moving in a clockwise direction to the next activity. Your group mentor will read out the 'Activity Card' and explain the activity to the group, before the game begins.
Many games automatically differentiate so everyone succeeds.
However, there are other games that have ways to differentiate on their Activity Card.
Read the card so you can make the game easier or harder, to help you play at an appropriate level.
At the end of the session, the Facilitator will blow the whistle three times.
At this point, please work as a group to safely take the equipment into the Facilitator
and store it away neatly (to save the Facilitator extra work).
The facilitator will then give a quick debrief and let the group know of any important news items.
An important part of sport is to be able to socialise and build friendships. Each venue is linked into a venue for having a social drink after the session. Come along to the venue after the session to share your experiences with the other participants.